Hello 👋🏻
i am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web experti am web expert
My skills
Web Development
HTML, CSS, JavaScript (MERN Stack), React, Next.js, Firebase
Responsive Design
Let me take care of mobile responsiveness for you and provide a high-quality product for your business!
If you already have a design in Photoshop, Figma, Invision, or any other format, I can convert it from scratch into a pixel-perfect HTML/CSS/JS website.

Project Progress Management System
This is a system for monitoring projects' progress of final year students. It have three levels of users i.e Students, Supervisors and the Project Coordinator. Each user have a specific role in the system. Students have the lowest privilege. I developed this system using React, Redux and Firebase
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This is a simple to-do app I developed for educational purpose on my YouTube Channel. It allows the user to perform CRUD operations e.g adding and removing tasks from the database. Users must register and login for them to use the app. A user can only see the tasks that he/she have added. I developed this app using React, Redux and Firebase.
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